
Click-through rate as a ranking factor | omniscient

The number of people clicking through to your website is obviously a key metric for your business’ success, but did you know that click data is also a ranking factor on Google? Historically, Google has been quite strict about clicks and their impact on visibility SERPENT. But testimony in a recent court case confirmed what many SEO marketers have long suspected. Lawyer sites benefit from a wide variety of SEO techniques, but this confirmation is…

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Google Search is investigating reports of delayed indexing issues

Google Search is investigating reports of delayed indexing issues

Google posted an indexing issue with Google Search, saying it is investigating reports of delays in indexing content. Google said this issue “affects a small number of sites” and that they are “working to identify the root cause.” What Google wrote. Google published“Google is investigating reports of delayed indexing in Google Search that is affecting a small number of sites. We are working to identify the root cause. The next update will be in 12…

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AI-Powered SEO Theft Comes to Exceljet: An Ethical Dilemma

AI-Powered SEO Theft Comes to Exceljet: An Ethical Dilemma

Exceljet traffic plummets due to unfair SEO practices involving AI In a startling exposure of the darker side of search engine optimization (SEO), Exceljet, a popular online resource for learning Microsoft Excel, has experienced a significant drop in website traffic. The culprit? Unfair competition from so-called ‘SEO hijackers’ who have cloned your content and redirected most of the traffic to your website, using artificial intelligence tools. Exceljet’s situation David Bruns, the founder of Exceljet, has…

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6 Books to Help Make Your Marketing More Successful in 2024

6 Books to Help Make Your Marketing More Successful in 2024

One of the joys of living in a place where the winters are often long and dark is the reading weather. Build a fire in the fireplace, pour yourself a drink and open a good book. I often do most of the year’s reading between October and March because it’s off-hours then (which doesn’t mean you can’t read outside). We live in an age where we are surrounded by marketing. Everything and everyone seems to…

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10 Do-It-Yourself SEO Tips to Save Money

10 Do-It-Yourself SEO Tips to Save Money

Search engine optimization is changing. Generative AI is streamlining many SEO-related tasks. Search results pages are evolving. However, businesses with small to medium-sized websites and a content management system or SEO-friendly e-commerce platform can do a lot of SEO work in-house. Here are my top 10 do-it-yourself SEO tips, including related ChatGPT pointers. 1. Search keywords Keyword research has two benefits. First, discovering and organizing relevant search queries reveals the words and phrases consumers use…

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Google search overwhelmed by massive spam attack

Google search overwhelmed by massive spam attack

Google search results have been hit by an onslaught of spam over the past few days that can only be described as completely out of control. Many domains rank for hundreds of thousands of keywords each, an indication that the scale of this attack could easily reach millions of keyword phrases. Surprisingly, many of the domains were only registered in the last 24-48 hours. This was recently brought to my attention from a series of…

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Google responds to accusations of 'stealing' content from publisher

Google responds to accusations of ‘stealing’ content from publisher

One publisher took to Twitter to share their reaction to what they felt was essentially the theft of their content for the benefit of Google with what they felt was little or no benefit to the publisher. Google’s response was surprising and probably not what publishers and SEOs expected. The publisher showed a screenshot of a branded site – search for things to do in Denver with content directly from their site. The editorial he…

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ACCESSWIRE shares 3 brands of SEO metrics you should pay attention to

ACCESSWIRE shares 3 brands of SEO metrics you should pay attention to

RALEIGH, NC / ACCESSWIRE / December 20, 2023 / ACCESS WIRE, a leading news service providing regional, national and global news to thousands of customers worldwide, understands that a shared goal among businesses of all sizes and industries is to improve their search engine optimization (SEO) performance . This is because SEO plays such a crucial role in a company’s online success and overall visibility. While there are a number of ways for brands to…

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How to Leverage AI for Greater SEO Success

How to Leverage AI for Greater SEO Success

The opinions expressed by the collaborators of Emprenderos are their own. As a search engine optimization (SEO) professional, I have been fascinated by the advances made in artificial intelligence (AI) over the past few years. While AI is certainly not a new concept, the ability of SEO experts to harness its magic is. Having helped numerous clients with their SEO efforts with AI, I can confidently say that AI is important for businesses to stay…

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4 ways to set yourself up for online success in 2024

4 ways to set yourself up for online success in 2024

In digital technology and marketing, staying ahead of the curve is necessary to survive. As we enter 2024, search engines they continue to perfect it algorithms to prioritize authoritative long-form content that goes beyond traditional keyword strategies. Fortunately, there are four specific pillars that companies can prioritize to shape the way they connect with their audience, establish themselves online and create personalized experiences. 4 Ways to Ensure Online Success in 2024 Create authoritative content. Focus…

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