Meta AI adds Google search results

Meta AI adds Google search results

AI meta answers can now include Google search results, making this the first AI assistant to include search results from both Google and Microsoft.

That said, I have yet to find any queries that have triggered Google Search results. Meta AI launched with Microsoft Bing built-in in September.

Why we care Gartner predicted that search traffic will fall due to the rise of AI chatbots, virtual agents and AI answer engines that provide direct answers, rather than having to click through to a website to find a answer However, models (like Meta’s Llama 3) don’t have access to real-time data, so it makes sense for Meta to incorporate information from search engines.

How Meta AI works. You can now enter searches in the search bar of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger apps. When Meta AI includes search results, they will appear as a tappable link below the answer, as Sources. Tapping this link will take you to the web, but keep you inside the Meta app.

Meta AI will also appear on the main Facebook channel.

how it looks Here’s an image shared by Meta of the search experience:

the deal “There’s not a ‘ton of money’ flowing either way,” Zuckerberg told a tech rag the Virgin. He was also asked about outsourcing Google search to another AI assistant, despite having Gemini:

“I guess I wouldn’t have been surprised if they didn’t want to do it. But they seem to be building a whole model around it, so it makes sense. It’s good for Google. Show Google prominently and link to Google. They pay Apple a lot of money for their distribution. They don’t pay us. So I think it’s good for them in that.” website. Meta also announced the release of, which makes Meta AI available on PC for the first time.

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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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