The Google Top Quality Store badge has replaced the Trusted Store badge

The Google Top Quality Store badge has replaced the Trusted Store badge

Google has updated the badges that some merchants display on their product listings in Google Search to say “Top Quality Store” instead of the original “Trusted Store” badge.

Google published “We’re updating the ‘Trusted Store’ badge, so now when you get an excellent score on your shopping experience scorecard, the badge will say ‘Top Quality Store.’

No impact Google said that this is just a name and title change and that this will have no impact on anything else. “No action is required and the update will not affect your performance metrics at all,” Google added.

how it looks Here is a screenshot showing this badge:

More history Google has had the trusted store badge for years and now it has decided to change it up a bit. We don’t know why Google changed the name, you or I can speculate if we want. We previously reported on the Google Shopping Experience Dashboard where Google said it would reward merchants who provide an “excellent customer experience” with “a ranking boost,” “a badge” and “other benefits that will help consumers find your business,” within the Google Shopping tab in Google Search.

The badge increases engagement. Google said the Trusted Store badge, “based on our early testing,” generates more clicks on merchant listings Google said are “more likely to get clicks.” Google also said the search company is “seeing stronger traffic to lesser-known merchants.”

How to earn the badge. Merchants are awarded a Trusted Store badge based on their performance on metrics relative to other merchants, including but not limited to shipping speeds, shipping and return costs, and return periods. We documented many of these metrics here in our previous coverage, but here’s Google’s help document too.

Ring a bell. Does that trusted store badge ring a bell? Well, yes, a decade or so ago, Google also had a free Trusted Store Badge for merchants. This was more on the search ad side of the coin, while this new badge is for free product listings.

Why we care Badges can help you get more clicks on your listings, so it’s worth looking into and getting one if possible. Will the slight change in the name of this badge affect click-through rates? I doubt it, but you should be aware of this change.

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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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