Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has made major improvements to the audience builder. Added new dimensions and metrics, improved alternatives for manipulating value and event count, and a new option to match dates.
Here are the news.
New dimensions and metrics in Audience Builder. GA4’s audience builder now supports creating audiences using new dimensions and metrics. The following dimensions and metrics were recently introduced to the audience builder:
Dimensions of the scope of the article
Item ID Item Affiliation Item Brand Item Category Item Category 2 Item Category 3 Item Category 4 Item List Name Item Name Promotion ID of the article Variant of the article
Article scope e-commerce metrics
Item earnings Items added to cart Items checked out Items purchased Items viewed in list
E-commerce metrics with event scope
Session-based metrics
Low engagement sessions help identify users who show little engagement with a website or app. For example, it allows the creation of an audience segment of users with more than three low-engagement sessions in the last five days.
Once you’ve identified these users, you can target them with ads to prompt them to return (eg, retailers highlighting upcoming sales or events).
Independent use of event value. The event value can now be used independently without being associated with a specific event.
In previous versions, the event value parameter was only used to modify specific events, such as locating users who completed “event X” where the event value exceeded 50.
An example of this would be to create an audience of users who have any event with a value greater than 50.
Extended operators for event counting. The update also expands the operators that can be used when creating audiences using the event count metric. While previously only greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=) were available, and only when selecting "most recent time period," the update introduces a full set of operators.
This includes:
Greater than or equal to (>=) Less than or equal to (<=) Not equal to (!=)
These operators are available by choosing “any time” and “most recent time period”.
Match between dates. A new “between match types” option has been introduced for dates.
This feature could be used, for example, to create an audience of users who visited a website during Black Friday and target them with ads before Black Friday the following year. The selected range, such as November 24 to November 26, would include all three days.
Why we care These new dimensions and metrics, stronger handling of event value and event count, and the ability to match dates can lead to more targeted and effective advertising. Being able to identify users with low engagement sessions or matching event value across multiple events can help you create more nuanced and relevant audience segments.
What’s new in GA4. These updates were announced via the Google Analytics help page, which you can find here.
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