Google Bard has added classic and more genuine citations to the answers it provides and is also able to provide a better summary. We’re yet to see these enhancements and improvements live, but Google’s Jack Krawczyk shared some examples at Twitter.
Citations have improved. Google Bard now displays numbered sources, such as actual quotes, next to answers. You can click on the numbers to see the source of this information. “Bard can now help you identify which parts of an answer match a source. For answers with sources, you’ll see numbers next to the answer. By clicking on the numbers, you can now identify the section of text that matches source and navigate easily,” Google posted on the page. Bard Changelog.
Here’s a screenshot from Jack Krawczyk showing the numbers on the left side, with a “more info” linked below.
Concise summaries. Google also updated Bard with more advances in its large language models to improve on providing better summaries for answers. “Bard is ‘better at summarizing information, which is especially useful when you want to get the gist of a topic quickly,'” they published in Bard Changelog.
Here’s a screenshot from Jack Krawczyk showing the summary:
Why we care Citations and linking to sources are a big concern for publishers and the web ecosystem in general. Google is trying to fix some of this with this update to provide more links to Google Bard answers. Also, the best summaries with improvements to LLMs that Google has are useful and exciting to see, especially over time.
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