Is online marketing old news or very much here to stay?

SEO: Is The Online Marketing Method Old News Or Very Much Here To  Stay?

It used to be that internet marketing was the backbone of online businesses, but in 2022, is this proven tactic still relevant?

Although online marketing is the building block for a successful Australian online business, beginners often forget how important search engine optimization is. [SEO] it is, and despite claims that the old method is “dead,” it’s still vital even in 2022.

When it comes to promoting your business online, there are few digital marketing methods as effective as a successful and well-strategized search engine optimization campaign. That being said, many people still claim that “SEO is dead” and won’t be around much longer…

But is there any truth to these claims?

In this article, we’re going to challenge the idea that “SEO is old news” by considering… SEO has been around for several decades and people have been swearing against it for the same amount of time.

SEO is more relevant than ever

The fact is, SEO today looks a lot different than it did 20 years ago. It’s free-form and forever evolving, and today it’s more relevant than ever.

In August 2022, Google released a new update: the People Content Update.

Online marketing

This update is part of a broader push to remove junk content from the Internet and give more exposure to original content, written by people, for people.

Doing so puts the power back in the hands of well-intentioned creators who seek to answer relevant questions and improve lives, rather than simply boosting their own businesses.

SEO is not resistant to change. In fact, the fluctuating nature of SEO is one of the reasons why many people (often disgruntled by their own inability to take advantage of SEO’s enormous potential) claim that SEO is “old news”.

it is not

And this highly fluctuating nature makes SEO more relevant than ever.

Results are not guaranteed.

If you want to maintain your position and dominate your industry online, you need to stay relevant. You need to create well-researched and authoritative content that clearly and concisely answers people’s most important questions.

Marketing in social networksMarketing in social networks

This, in turn, creates a competitive market where brands and businesses are forced to create authentic, exceptional quality content or be left behind.

Put it like this:

SEO will never die.

SEO is changing

Again, SEO is changing, as it always is. Not only that, but there are new digital marketing methods popping up all the time.

Some business owners can experience success without focusing on their SEO, however, the true titans use SEO as part of their broader online marketing efforts.

Using SEO alone is not as powerful as using it in conjunction with PPC ads, social media marketing, video marketing, and more. Just as neglecting SEO and focusing on other marketing avenues is not as powerful as covering all the bases.

If it were easy, everyone would take first place

The important thing is to remember that if it were easy, everyone would do it.

Be careful who you believe. When someone insists that SEO is dead and therefore a total waste of time and money… you have to wonder why they maintain that position.

Could it be that they worked with the wrong SEO agency?

Maybe they weren’t ready to commit to SEO long term?

Maybe their methods were old fashioned and more focused on taking shortcuts and creating cheap content in bulk, rather than putting their audience first and creating quality over quantity?

In any case, if you find a reputable one SEO agency in Sydney With a proven track record and case studies to boot, you’ll soon realize that SEO isn’t dead, it’s thriving and here to stay!


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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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