Artificial intelligence is reshaping the way we shop

Artificial intelligence is reshaping the way we shop

Sounds weird, though some people are much better at google than others. They find the link first, whether it’s tickets to a show, a niche answer to a trivia question, or a pair of shoes you’ve been wanting since you saw them on TV. Search engines have brought them up, but they are not intimidated by the immensity of an open search. They are master keyword manipulators.

And in the age of search engine optimization, once you enter a high-volume keyword, there’s less chance: there’s one company tailoring their content to your chosen search, and a million others chasing his tail When you search for “men’s boots,” for example, you’ll likely come across Gear Patrol’s boots buying guide. It’s there for good reason, too: it’s comprehensive, informative, and full of stylish boots for men. This time, Google worked: it took you to content that matches your query. But what if the search was a little more abstract, like a description of the type of boot you wanted?

Try “Boots That Are a Yellowstone Rancher and Ralph Lauren,” for example. Google probably won’t understand what you mean. If you take it to ASOS, you will not have matches; same at Nordstrom, or even Amazon. Even Instagram, which has been trying to move into e-commerce for months, won’t give you the right results, if any products at all.

This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you can find more information on their website.

This is where artificial intelligence comes in. It’s called a new AI Among others acts as a fashion product finder. It can understand abstract questions: “clothing for when we colonize Mars,” “ocean waves crashing,” or “morning sunrise in Montana”—and more literal requests: “what to wear in Texas,” “living in a ranch” or “busy”. Paris Street Dress”.

It was built by anthropic AI technical staff Karina Nguyenwho has also done research work for The New York Times, With cable i belling cat. Using e-commerce products and photography from Ralph LaurenProenza Shouler and Victoria Beckham, Nguyen created a “prototype visual courtyard” where shoppers can “explore quality dresses with their creative searches.”

For now, you can’t buy what Inter Alia populates – it’s just a pilot system. However, it offers a glimpse of a future where our purchases are more authentic, the result of creative keyword searches that more closely reflect how we really think about products and, more specifically, clothes. You see, fashion is mostly references. When we see something, it usually conjures up something else, forcing us to connect the dots. This is why we can say things like “that looks like something John Mayer “You’re associating a shirt with someone else’s wardrobe, because you know what their clothes are like.

Here’s what Inter Alia brought out for “what to wear in Texas.”


Right now, though, you can’t really shop for “John Mayer outfits,” unless you find a post that identifies his favorite pieces. With AI, however, you can search for aesthetically similar styles, creating a world where every shoppable item could be from her closet. In this way, we can all free ourselves from exploitative algorithms.

Of course, AI is an algorithm, but Instagram relies on constant machine learning, which helps its app learn about you, the user, and make recommendations based on your actions, effectively influencing the that you will end up looking for. It’s a vicious cycle, which is why the Explore or For You pages can quickly change from trucks and livestock to travel and influential people in Italy. And they can keep it up if you indicate you like it, making these topics all you see.

AI offers the opportunity to explore outside the silos that social media creates, because while Google in theory does, it can’t be bought that easily, at least not without clicking through various middlemen first.



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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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