RALEIGH, NC – Marketing is never an exact science and no two entities have the same goals. However, there are many ways to measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, especially if the company has taken note of where it was before the campaign began. Today, experts at McKeeman Communications, one of the leading public relations firms in Raleigh, North Carolinashares insights on how business owners can measure the success of their marketing efforts.
The effectiveness of marketing and public relations campaigns is not always easy to quantify. Unlike sales or revenue, there is no single metric that can tell a business owner how many times marketing has gotten in front of potential customers. Another thing that complicates matters is that consumers don’t always take action on marketing messages right away. Sometimes, they don’t need a certain product or service right now, and it can take months for a single impression to turn into a sale.
According to McKeeman Communications, there are several metrics that can give business owners and marketing managers insight into the proverbial fruits of their labor. The first is the reach of social media. There are billions of daily users on Facebook, Instagram and other social platforms. Businesses can use information collected from account dashboards to see how many likes, shares and follows they’ve received in the days and weeks following a new marketing effort.
More than just new followers, social media can also tell businesses how many times their brand has been mentioned or engaged with. Business owners should pay attention to what consumers are saying, as social listening, although an emerging practice, is crucial to enabling businesses to know what is being said and how they can change to better meet consumers’ needs. your customers and relate to them.
Many PR firms in Raleigh also advise that business owners measure their website traffic during and after a marketing outreach campaign. A significant increase in site visitors is a good sign that your message has reached the eyes that need it. Business owners can also determine if a visitor took action or even converted to a sale. Website traffic can be boosted by backlinks, which are a form of brand mention outside of social media. A backlink occurs when one website links to another. These are important in search engine optimization as well as brand management and brand recognition.
PR firms also like to look at secured and earned media coverage as measures of a successful marketing campaign. While not every business needs widespread coverage, even a mention in a local print or web publication is a good thing. Earned media is confirmation from a highly trusted third-party validator that your business or product is relevant or important. This kind of influence and significant reach has the potential to generate more sales. Consumers are inundated with paid and sponsored media content, and it often doesn’t stand out like earned media because the consumer is being sold to it.
McKeeman Communications says sales numbers are another important metric that companies can use to gauge the success of a marketing outreach strategy. While PR firms often caution that a single disclosure can have a lasting effect, such as improved brand awareness or favorable response, immediate sales numbers can help a business owner decide whether it simply captures attention or converts those impressions into customers.
Ultimately, McKeeman Communications says PR firms can work closely with businesses to ensure their message is seen. By measuring KPIs, business owners can get a good idea of what types of marketing are working, what isn’t, and what needs to be improved. Although measuring the effectiveness of a marketing campaign is not an exact science, there are clear signs that indicate whether or not a plan is working.
McKeeman Communications is a leading public relations firm in Raleigh, North Carolina. For more information, visit McKeemanCommunications.com.
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