Search engine optimization makes or breaks a business today. Whether you have an e-commerce store, a blog, a landing page for your startup or a website for your business, your page should be optimized to get maximum leverage and exposure and attract a adequate amount of traffic.
In this regard, we have experts at your disposal who know the pros and cons of writing a good web page. Custom SEO writing service is available at EssayPro at a very affordable and competitive price. Don’t let faith get your online business up and running, and don’t leave your search engine success to chance.
Strong shift in mobile SEO
One of the most important factors when optimizing your website, be it e-commerce or blog, is to make it mobile friendly. This simply means that your page should be converted to a mobile-friendly version if the user accessing it is using a phone. This means:
No walls of text. Concise bite-sized information that adapts to the mobile user interface and can be read well on a phone screen. Call-to-action sections must be available on the mobile-friendly version of your site. The user interface should be converted to a mobile-friendly version. Most people use their phones more than their computers for browsing, shopping, watching movies, sending messages, etc.
Businesses of all types will pay the price if they don’t make a mobile-friendly version of their site due to the large number of users using their smartphones in their daily transactions.
Google Core Update (September 12, 2022)
A few times a year, Google makes big changes to its search systems and algorithms. These are what they call “core updates” and there has been one recently. Core updates are important because they produce noticeable and relevant changes that websites must adapt to.
Core updates usually involve improving Google’s systems for evaluating content in general. Google itself says that sites must be guaranteed to deliver better content they can because that’s what their algorithms reward. And here are questions that Google has provided site owners to refer to in order to assess the quality of their site’s content:
Is your content original? Is it a report or a research piece? Is it written comprehensibly? Is there enough information? Does the piece adequately explain the topic? Does the piece provide additional information that is relevant and beyond the obvious/basic? If the piece uses other sources of information, does it copy it or does it add relevant value to the content? Is the title a useful summary of the content? Is the headline sensual/controversial, or does it avoid being exaggerated and shocking? Is the content the kind you would share with a friend?
Additional questions to refer to to fine-tune your content:
Is the presentation of the content reliable? Are resources given transparently? Does it look believable? Is the content written by an expert or an enthusiast? Did you mention it in either case? Would you trust the content for security, money or health issues? Does the writing have style or spelling problems? Is it sloppily written or well produced? Does the content have too many ads? Is the content mass-produced or outsourced? Do individual pages or sites get enough attention or care for this?
Product Reviews Update (July 2022)
The product review update is an update to the search ranking algorithm. It targets product review related content that is helpful and useful to searchers. This update aims to promote reviews that go above and beyond, and they want to promote these high quality product reviews in their search results rankings.
Google isn’t penalizing lower quality product reviews, but will make sure insightful reviews get more exposure; therefore, your ranking can be directly affected by this item. So, if you want to proceed with this update, try checking if you have any high-quality reviews that you can take advantage of.
Do you miss this? Find ways to acquire them. Product reviews are important, they can potentially increase traffic and conversions. With that in mind, this new update is incentive enough to do so. So what can online businesses do to get more high-quality product reviews? Here are some valuable tips:
You can encourage customers to leave reviews with post-purchase emails and messages. Be sure to emphasize that their feedback is important. To further persuade customers to leave a review, incentivize them. Offer an attractive discount such as a promo code or something along those lines. It will be a trade. Make sure your review forms are mobile friendly. Let customers demo your product for free to get tons of feedback. This technique has been done and used by many marketers before the Internet. Check out the book “Cashvertising” and see for yourself. The sample does not have to be large. This is obvious. Make sure you allow customers to review more than one product at a time.
Google has also specified that the initial release of this update will be for product reviews in English, but the update should include other languages in the long run.
Valuable content on SEO tactics
In an article on Google Search Central, they mentioned that useless content selected to take top positions in search engines he would no longer occupy these first places. Google aims to incentivize content owners to provide truly valuable answers to user questions and queries rather than reward those who simply use SEO tactics to improve their rankings.
SEO experts, marketers and content creators are asked to strike a balance between providing truly useful content that has value and following SEO practices. Currently, only English content on Google can have an impact.
Google offers a new HTTPS report
The HTTPS component of a page ensures the safety and security of users while on the web. It is part of the basic vital elements of the web. There has been a huge demand and request from website owners for Google to provide additional information about their site’s HTTPS status. It has not been easy to understand which pages were not served by HTTPS.
In response to this, Google has made the HTTPS report in Search Console. Site owners can use the report to:
Get valuable information about the HTTPS pages that are served in Search. Learn what issues prevent pages from serving as HTTPS along with sample URLs. Get information that can help improve the user interface for website visitors and customers.
Use this report to your advantage and don’t let it pass you by.
Final thoughts
Are you out of date and missing the latest information for your business? We hope this article has helped our readers stay up to date with the latest releases. There’s a lot to keep in mind as the search engine landscape changes again, but we’re sure we’ve summarized everything you need to know so it’s easy to understand.
By applying the information you’ve read in our article today, you’re unlocking your website’s potential to drive traffic, new customers and exposure, and generate profits. Be sure to integrate all the latest changes if success is the goal.
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