5 Content Marketing Ideas for November 2022

5 Content Marketing Ideas for November 2022

Content marketing is an excellent way to attract consumers, but it requires an endless need for topics. Fear not, though. In November 2022, you can celebrate vegans, write about not shaving, profile letters to Santa, tell a local business story, or offer last-minute gift suggestions.

Content marketing is curating or creating blog posts, podcast episodes or videos to attract, engage and retain customers. It is most effective when it provides useful, informative or entertaining information based on search engine optimization.

Here are five content marketing ideas your business can use in November 2022.

1. Celebrate vegans

November is World Vegan Month, and November 1st is World Vegan Day. For some brands, this represents an opportunity to connect with a relatively small but loyal audience.

It has been reported that there are approximately 79 million vegans worldwide, including about 3% of the US population and about 12% of millennials.

Veganism is popular among a small but growing group of shoppers. Photo: Roam in Color.

The term “vegan” can have two meanings. For some, the term describes a way of life that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. And dietary vegans (sometimes known as “strict vegetarians”) recognize veganism as a healthy eating strategy that avoids all animal products, essentially plant-based foods.

Both types are willing to invest in products and services that fit their lifestyles. The Association of Vegetable Foods estimates that Americans spent $7.4 billion in 2021 on these products. The market is growing at around 6% per year.

If vegans are part of your company’s product base, consider posting content that affirms these choices and lists the vegan items your company sells.

2. Movember; November without shaving

November is a good month to grow a mustache or beard and create content about it. Photo: Parker Coffman.

Movember is a global campaign to raise awareness of men’s health issues including prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health. The campaign asks men to grow mustaches or beards throughout November.

November without shaving is a similar but more general campaign asking people to give up shaving to raise cancer awareness.

Your business can participate in one or both campaigns by producing content that promotes the cause and encourages people to donate to related charities. For example, you could write blog posts about the importance of men’s health, share stories about how cancer has affected people you know, or produce videos showing mustache and beard styles that men could try.

Your company could also donate a portion of November sales to related charities.

3. Dear Santa Claus

The second week of November is traditionally when children write letters to Santa Claus. Photo: Dr.

The second week of November is “Dear Santa Letter Week.” It is a time when children have written letters to Father Christmas asking him for Christmas presents.

For November content marketing, you can create fun posts with Dear Santa letters from your customers, or you can include these letters from famous or fictional people.

A more serious approach would be to run a contest where consumers send their Dear Santa letters to your business for a chance to win. All letters sent could be turned into user-generated content on your site.

4. Small business Saturday

Small Business Saturday is a content marketing opportunity for merchants who sell online and from physical stores. Photo: Tim Mossholder.

Small Business Saturday is an event based in the United States on the first Saturday after Thanksgiving. Created in 2010 by American Express, the event encourages people to shop at smaller businesses.

Small Business Saturday is a content marketing option for multi-channel retailers with an online store and at least one physical location. Content could focus on a company’s contribution to the community.

For example, Turkish African Middle-Eastern, a small three-generation shop transported from Antalya, Turkey to Boise, Idaho, would make an excellent story.

Find your community connection. You could be the only business in town that sells a certain type of product. Focus on this in your content.

5. Last minute gift guides

Some buyers will wait until the last minute to buy. Photo: Eugene Zhyvcik.

The 2022 holiday shopping season will likely begin in October. But don’t forget the procrastinators in your audience of customers and prospects. Many people will wait until the last minute to buy gifts.

Target this group with a series of last-minute gift guides. Target specific audiences, such as “Last Minute Gifts for Moms” or “The Procrastinator’s Guide to Shopping for Your Favorite Niece.”


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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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