Finally, we would like to leave you with a quote that we are proud of. “Content is king.”
This quote is used to describe the effectiveness of consistent and excellent content in marketing your cannabis brand. The more keywords in your written content, the better.
But this quote doesn’t just relate to written content. Your social media posts should be consistent and excellent. Sticking to a schedule to post consistent content dramatically increases audience engagement.
Consistency doesn’t just mean posting the same number of images at the exact times of the day. There is nothing more visually pleasing than a page with a consistent aesthetic.
This includes the overall quality of the photo (eg, high-quality natural images and memes) and the type of post content (eg, celebrities, art, nature, etc.).
Your posts should relate to your brand aesthetic. It ensures the consumer experience, creates a brand advocate and keeps them engaged for extended periods of time.
If this guide is helpful and you’re ready to continue growing your brand, let’s talk about a marketing plan. See how you can increase your income with Herb.
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