Digital resources available for small businesses | what to know

Financial firm TrueFund Financial Services and web domain company GoDaddy are now accepting applications for their first Empower en Español cohort.

ATLANTA: An association will offer digital marketing training to small Hispanic businesses.

Financial company TrueFund Financial Services and web domain company GoDaddy now accepting applications for their first Empower en Español cohort.

Dr. Kim Evans, senior vice president and general manager of national market operations for TruFund Financial Services, explains that the training aims to close the digital divide among small Hispanic businesses.

“This partnership is critical, especially at this time when we saw with COVID-19, many employers had to turn to this digital model,” said Dr. Evans. “So this is another opportunity for us to help close the digital divide in the market.”

She tells 11Alive that the marketing training will be offered in New York, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas and Georgia.

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According to Dr. Veronica Ramírez, program manager at TruFund Financial Services, all training will be offered in Spanish and English, allowing for greater inclusion.

Online networking, mentoring and website building tools will be provided at no cost to those accepted into the program.

“Those participating entrepreneurs who go through the full cohorts with TruFund and our partners will have access to various GoDaddy products for two years at no cost and then an additional five years at a 50% discount,” says Dr. Evans on 11Alive.

Dr. Evans explains that businesses must have been in existence for at least 12 months or more before applying and have generated some business income to qualify.

“They are business owners that have been around for at least 12 months or more and have already started generating revenue and are looking to really use these tools to change their business model or grow to be a more sustainable and viable business,” he said the Dr. said Evans.

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US Small Business Administration reports that nearly one in four new businesses are Hispanic. 6-week digital marketing training aimed at helping US businesses grow.

“It’s a really great opportunity for business owners who are really looking to improve their digital assets and learn more about search engine optimization and how they can grow their business with digital tools,” explains Dr. Evans.

The first Empower en Español cohort will begin on October 13 and last six weeks.

To access the Spanish application, click here.

To access the application in English, click here.


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About the Author: Ted Simmons

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