New AI Tool Perplexity Beats Google and ChatGPT in Business Research

New AI Tool Perplexity Beats Google and ChatGPT in Business Research

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence tools that improve business efficiency, Perplexity has emerged as a game changer, especially for those engaged in research-intensive and content creation. Chalene Johnsonhost of the YouTube channel “Build Your Tribe” and a veteran entrepreneur, recently shared her in-depth review of Perplexity, describing it as her new favorite tool that eclipses the capabilities of Google and ChatGPT.

Unrivaled efficiency and user-friendly interface

Johnson’s enthusiasm for Perplexity stems from its important time-saving features and intuitive design, which he finds easier to use than any other tool he’s used. “From the moment I logged in, I was blown away by the simple and seamless interface. It’s clear, efficient and easy to navigate,” explained Johnson.

Superior search capabilities

One of Perplexity’s most praised features is its robust search functionality, which Johnson claims outperforms traditional search engines and AI tools. “When I need accurate academic information or the latest studies on health and wellness topics, Perplexity not only pulls in comprehensive data, but also provides summaries with credible citations,” Johnson said. This feature allows users to directly access the sources of information, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the data they are using.

Customizable search with Focus mode

Perplexity’s “Focus” mode improves its search capability by allowing users to specify where the AI ​​should look for information. “You can set it to ‘Academic’ to find published articles or ‘All’ for a broader internet search. This flexibility is crucial when you need to ensure the credibility of your sources,” detailed Johnson.

Content optimization for SEO

Another major benefit of using Perplexity is its ability to help with search engine optimization (SEO). Johnson leverages this tool to refine keywords, titles, and descriptions for his YouTube channel and blog, improving his online visibility and engagement. “Perplexity has been instrumental in improving our SEO efforts, helping us rank better and drive more targeted traffic to our content,” he noted.

Research co-pilot

Johnson is particularly impressed with Perplexity’s copilot feature, which helps formulate search queries. “It’s not just about what you ask for; it’s like you ask. Perplexity’s co-pilot helps refine my questions, making sure I get the most relevant answers,” he said. This feature benefits those who are not experts in formulating queries to get the best results.

Real world applications and profitability

Sharing a specific case where Perplexity proved invaluable, Johnson recounted his research for a podcast episode, which required digging through extensive online discussions and obscure forums. “I was researching the complex history of public figures and Perplexity efficiently sorted through mountains of data on Reddit, saving me countless hours,” he said.

Johnson advocates for the paid version of Perplexity, calling it a worthy investment for serious entrepreneurs. “The pro version, at $20 a month, includes unlimited searches and additional features like co-pilot. It’s a small price to pay for the returns it offers in time saved and knowledge gained,” he advised.


Overall, Chalene Johnson’s review paints Perplexity as an indispensable tool for anyone involved in research, SEO, or content creation. Its advanced AI capabilities, easy-to-use interface, and powerful search features make it an outstanding choice for professionals looking to improve their productivity and the quality of their work. Johnson’s experience underscores the tool’s potential to revolutionize the way entrepreneurs and researchers harness the power of AI to drive business success and innovation.

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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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