25 Free Tools to Test Your Website

25 Free Tools to Test Your Website

Regularly testing the performance of your eCommerce website will ensure that it is performing at an optimal level. There are many free resources available to help.

Here is a list of free tools to test your website. There are tools to measure download speed, monitor user experience, test accessibility, locate broken links, evaluate search engine and browser compatibility, and check for mobile compatibility. All of these tools have free plans and most offer premium options.

Free trials for your site

W3C trademark validation service, from the World Wide Web Consortium, checks the markup of web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, and MathML, among others. This resource provides tools to validate specific content such as RSS and CSS feeds, check a website’s international friendliness level, or find broken links.

W3C trademark validation service

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights reports on a page’s performance on mobile and desktop devices and suggests how to improve it, providing lab and field data. Lab data helps debug performance issues, but may not capture real-world bottlenecks. Field data is useful for capturing real-world user experience, but has a limited set of metrics.

Pingdom website speed test analyzes a website’s loading speed and identifies why a page is fast, slow, too large, etc. See how your website measures up to Google’s performance recommendations. Pingdom offers a premium service for web speed monitoring.

Dotcom-Monitor allows you to test your website speed on real browsers for free from up to three locations worldwide. Users can select which browser they want to run. The test supports Chrome, Firefox, Edge and mobile browsers on Android, iPhone and iPad. Free for up to 250 tests per month from five concurrent locations.

Screenshot of the Dotcom Monitor home page.


Yellow lab tools is a free and open source online test to help speed up heavy web pages. Check performance best practices. Spot issues with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, fonts, and more. Provides accurate information to fix detected problems.

Web page analyzer is a free web speed test with improvement tips. Enter a URL to calculate page size, composition and download time. The script calculates the size of the individual elements and summarizes each type.

SERP Racer allows you to compare the scores of key search queries in your niche to better understand the impact of page speed on your business. Enter Google search terms and do a search to compare site speed.

Screenshot of SERP Racer homepage.

SERP Racer

KeyCDN Website Speed ​​Test is a full page speed test of 10 locations around the world. The results show requests, content size and load time. Additionally, a cascade details the times and HTTP headers for each asset.

Dead Link Checker crawls a website, identifying broken links to fix. Target an entire website or a single page. Create an account to check multiple sites or schedule an automatic check.

Ahrefs offers free tools to check the search engine optimization status of your website. Execute a site audit to discover technical and page issues with your website. Use the Tools for webmasters feature to monitor general SEO settings, browse backlink data and compare your site to competitors in SERPs.

Screenshot of the Ahrefs Webmaster Tools home page.

Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

search offers a free test that checks essential SEO components, including whether your website meets Google’s quality guidelines. The SEO Check will analyze your website and show errors that prevent it from ranking well. Check each URL any number of times.

to inspect is a user testing platform to see the behavior of individual visitors to your site with session recording. Includes dynamic heatmaps, A/B testing, form metrics, and error logging. Free for one website and up to 2,500 sessions per month.

roach follower is a free tool for testing websites. Enter the address of any website and Nibbler will generate a report that scores the website for key areas including accessibility, SEO, social media and technology. Nibbler is free but limited to three reports.

Screenshot of the Nibbler home page.

roach follower

GTmetrix provides information on how your site loads and recommendations on how to optimize it. GTmetrix can test your pages daily, weekly or monthly. Set conditions based on page speed and size. Receive performance email alerts. Analyze your site loading from seven global locations.

Uptrending website speed test provides a snapshot of how desktop or mobile users experience your site. Try in the browser of your choice. Check your Google PageSpeed ​​Insights score, recommended improvements, important page metrics, and the page load progression waterfall report. See important load events with Google’s Core Web Vitals or W3C browsing time metrics.

HubSpot Website Classifier evaluates website performance, including page size, page requests, page speed, and more. It also looks at responsive design, SEO and security.

Screenshot of the HubSpot Grader home page.

HubSpot Website Classifier

After the deadline check your text and give feedback on your writing. Copy and paste your text for contextual spell check, advanced style check, and intelligent grammar check.

UsabilityHub is a remote user research platform to test your design with real people. Evaluate the effectiveness of your site’s navigation and content by measuring how users complete tasks with your designs. Free plan with up to three collaborators and tests in a maximum of 2 minutes.

Five second tests, from UsabilityHub, evaluate your site by measuring visitor recall and first impressions. Free plan with up to three collaborators and trials of up to 2 minutes.

UsabilityHub - Five Second Tests website.

UsabilityHub – Five Second Tests

Juicy Studio Readability Test analyze the level of ease of reading your text. Algorithms only provide a rough guide, but they can indicate whether you’ve written content at the right level for your intended audience.

Browser images will test your website’s browser compatibility by producing screenshots of your web design on different operating systems and browsers.

LambdaTest perform live, interactive cross-browser testing of your public or locally hosted websites and web applications across 3,000 browsers, devices and operating systems. Debug in real-time with built-in tools in both desktop and mobile browsers. Free plan for a trial and up to 60 minutes per month of live browser testing.

Screenshot of the LambdaTest home page.


Click Heat provides a heatmap of clicks on an HTML page, showing areas of hot and cold clicks. ClickHeat is free and open source.

The Xenu Link Detective checks websites for broken links to images, frames, plugins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts, and Java applets.

UptimeRobot is an online monitoring application to know when your website is down. The free plan offers 50 monitors for 5-minute checks.

Screenshot of the UptimeRobot home page.



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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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