For most websites, search engines like Google are the main driver of traffic. Search for something on Google and the results are often ranked by relevance to the query. Therefore, for any website search engine optimization is very important. Unfortunately, some websites also use unethical SEO techniques to rank higher, such as buying backlinks or spam keywords.
Google over the years has introduced many major updates to its search engine to combat unethical SEO techniques, even recently the company announced another set of updates to remove unhelpful content written just for clicks.
Google, with its next search update, wants to make it easier for people to find useful content made by and for people. When crafting, Google wants content to be easy for the average reader to understand. The content should also have unique information that can help the user. Last year, Google introduced search algorithm updates that would help higher quality product reviews rank higher. According to Google, these recent updates are part of a larger ongoing campaign remove low-quality content from search.
Next week, we’re rolling out the “useful content update” to address content that appears to have been created primarily to rank well in search engines rather than to help or inform people. This ranking update will help ensure that unoriginal and low-quality content doesn’t rank well in Search, and our testing has shown that it will especially improve results related to online education, as well as with arts and entertainment, shopping and technology-related content.
Also, it seems that the new update will affect more certain categories such as educational content, arts and entertainment, shopping and also technology. Articles with additional perspectives, additional information, and original work are more likely to rank higher after the update. Google has also created a nice quiz, to help content creators better understand the new update. If you answered yes to one or more of the questions, your website may be affected by the next Google update.
Is the content primarily to attract people from search engines, rather than actually for humans? Are you producing a lot of content on different topics in the hope that some of it might perform well in search results? You are using extensive automation to produce content on many topics. ?Are you mainly summarizing what others are saying without adding much value? Are you writing about things simply because they seem to be trending and not because you would write about them differently for your existing audience? Does your content make readers feel they need to search again for better information from other sources? Are you writing to a specific word count because you’ve heard or read that Google has a preferred word count? (No, we don’t). Have you decided to get into a niche subject area without any real experience, but mainly because you thought you would get search traffic? Does your content promise to answer a question that doesn’t actually have an answer? how to suggest there is a release date for a product, movie or tv show when it’s not confirmed?
Google wants to kill SEO
Initially, SEO was a great way to encourage websites to follow best practices, but over time it became a Spam mess. The effort shifted from creating good content for people to creating content for search engines. While this temporarily drove a lot of traffic to websites that misused SEO practices, Google caught on quickly and its iterative updates have forced many of those same websites to shut down. Almost as early as 2011, Google declared a war on these SEO driven content mill type websites.
Now in 2022, Google can proudly claim that it has won, as most of these websites saw massive drops in their traffics with iterative updates. The company now wants all content creators to focus on the content itself, which they claim is the primary ranking criteria for search. Now that’s not to say that SEO isn’t important, but its usefulness is certainly diminishing Google RankBrain The algorithm continues to improve over time.
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