Invaluable benefits of having a business blog | by Gil Mahesh | August, 2022

Invaluable benefits of having a business blog |  by Gil Mahesh |  August, 2022

An interesting fact: According to studies, people tend to check their phones about 85 times a day and surf an average of 5 hours a day. This is why it is essential to maintain a constant presence and communication between your business and potential customers.

Photo of Domenico Loia activated unsplash

To create a company blog for your business, you can open a special section within your existing website. Many platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Joomla, etc. make it easier to do so. You can create sections by topic or category to better organize it. When you create a new post on your blog, you must choose one of the categories you’ve created for your post to appear grouped within it.

You don’t need to be an expert to implement your blog, as many of the platforms for creating blogs are quite intuitive and easy to use. But you can also hire a web design and customization expert specifically to add a blog to your site and help you set it up the way you want.

Having a blog to update news about what you offer is a critical piece for any business to get on the Internet and capture new customers online. This is achieved by publishing quality content along with a effective digital marketing strategy. Today we’re going to look at the benefits of your business having its own business blog and what you can post on it.

First of all…

An interesting fact: According to studies, people tend to check their phones about 85 times a day and surf an average of 5 hours a day. This is why it is essential to maintain a constant presence and communication between your business and potential customers.

Whether using WordPress, Blogger or other platforms, creating a business blog brings many benefits to your business:

When creating a company blog, you must take into account some search engine optimization techniques or SEO (Search Engine Optimization, for its acronym in English). It’s about using keywords or keywords within content so users can find you in search engine results. If you do it right, you can attract more people to your site and provide them with valuable information.

This increases the time spent on the site, making it more likely that the customer will want to see more or decide to buy.

A buyer does not buy a product or service based solely on price. There are other aspects, such as originality, design, popularity of the product, etc. Even the values ​​that the brand conveys can make the customer feel identified and want to buy.

Creating a company blog is the perfect way to reinforce the values ​​that your brand conveys. You will be able to create links with the customer.

On the other hand, when you share quality content, the visitor appreciates that you help them solve their query or problem. The advice you give to others can influence their purchasing decision, but it also makes the customer more likely to speak well of your brand and recommend you to others.

By creating your company blog and posting help topics, the visitor starts to perceive you as an expert in the area you are talking about. The more you develop and solve common concerns for your target audience, the better reputation you will earn as a company or business.

Every customer likes to feel that they are being looked after by professionals. Above all, that what you purchase is guaranteed to have been created by an expert.

When a user browses the web, they are looking to solve a concern or problem easily. The first sites that appear as a result are usually considered the best.

The customer is more likely to want to go to the first sites and see what they are saying. Of course, it is necessary to have well-organized and written content, where the information is clear and easy to understand so that the visitor stays longer. But you also have to offer added value to your visitors to help them make a purchase decision.

What kind of added value?

A document with additional information A free tool Discount coupons for your first purchase A trial version of what you offer etc.

In return, it asks for some additional information such as name and email, or a phone number. This way, you can get new leads and offer them something more personalized later on. For example, through an email marketing campaign.

By providing valuable content, you increase organic visitors, who are more likely to be genuinely interested in purchasing what your business has to offer.

Similarly, if the sale doesn’t materialize in time, they’re more likely to want to ask for more information or keep an eye out for your promotions to buy later.

On the other hand, the blog itself can be a source of income.

You can make money from your blog with a little work and dedication.

Of course, running advertising campaigns is a fundamental part of your marketing strategy to reach more customers. But one of the advantages of creating a blog, if you know how to maintain it, is the possibility of constantly attracting new visitors without advertising.

If your blog is well positioned in search engines like Google and if you publish content of great interest to your readers, they will surely want to share it on their social networks.

This is beneficial because your content spreads naturally around the web and other interested users can see your information.

By creating a well-structured and SEO-optimized blog, you will attract more organic visitors.


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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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