Twitter announced that it has launched three new and improved measurement solutions for all advertisers worldwide.
Improved Twitter pixel
The new Twitter pixel has additional functionality, such as allowing advertisers to measure more actions, such as adding to cart.
Twitter has also simplified the setup, troubleshooting, and event creation process. They’ve also added updates to their Pixel Helper extension for Chrome to help advertisers better understand the impact of their campaigns and provide assistance when seeing if the pixel is installed correctly.
Conversion API
The Conversion API (CAPI) allows advertisers to connect to the API and send conversion events to Twitter without using third-party cookies.
CAPI can also be used to improve and optimize ad targeting without the pixel. Various data signals, such as the Twitter click ID or email address, can be used to send conversion events to the API endpoint and help advertisers understand the path users follow as as a result of their campaigns.
Optimization of in-app purchases
In-app purchase optimization allows advertisers to serve ads to people most likely to install an app or make a purchase using machine learning to identify audiences most likely to take action. Early testing found that 89% of advertisers saw a reduction in cost per acquisition.
In-app purchase optimization is now available on Android, with an iOS release in the future.
Upcoming releases Twitter also announced a few more upcoming releases. This includes:
Collection Ads: Brands can display a main hero image and have smaller thumbnail images below. Images can be used to drive consumers to different websites or product pages.Web Conversion Optimization: It helps improve how the algorithm reaches people most likely to convert to a lower-funnel website action, such as buying or adding to cart.Dynamic Product Ads: A new advertising product that will deliver relevant products to the right person at the right time based on activity on or off Twitter.
Why we care These new updates should improve both audience and conversion metrics, giving advertisers a clearer picture of how their advertising is performing for them. If you promote your products and/or services on Twitter, learn more about how to take advantage of new updates here.
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About the author
Nicole Farley is an editor at Search Engine Land covering all things PPC. In addition to being a Marine Corps veteran, she has an extensive background in digital marketing, an MBA, and a penchant for true crime, podcasts, travel, and snacks.
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