How to Develop a Website for a Law Firm | Legal Internet Solutions Inc.

A well-designed website is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy. A website is a reflection of the company and can either generate new potential business or turn it away. Law firm websites are where your clients and prospects go to validate who you are, connect with you for a specific need, and learn about your firm’s services, culture, and place in the marketplace.

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6 simple steps to develop a website.

1. Discovery

Start the project. The goal is to articulate how the completed website will support the company’s goals.

Relevant data is collected. Meetings are held with all stakeholders to see what each wants the website to be. A creative brief is presented that contains the client’s research and goals for the project.

2. Design

Define the purpose and create the look and feel of each page. Consideration will be given to how visitors interact with the website, along with content and aesthetics.

The sitemap is created. It determines the content that should appear on each page. The search engine strategy is used as the structure is built. Designs are presented to the client and refined to meet project goals.

3. Production + Development

It combines design with technology to produce a website that works.

The website is built according to the specifications determined in the previous phases. How the content management system (CMS) controls each page is an important consideration. Emphasis is placed on writing code that enables fast page loading speed.

4. Launch preparation

It focuses on the accuracy of all elements of the website. It consists of content migration, search engine optimization (SEO) and quality assurance (QA).

Content from the old website is migrated to the new website and new content is added. A keyword strategy is created for each page and optimized to rank well in search. All pages, words, images and links are reviewed to ensure they look and work as expected.

5. Release

Introduce the website to the world. Once live, the website is officially handed over to the client.

6. Marketing + PR

Promote your new website and new content.

New marketing collateral is often created to reflect the look and feel of the new website. An email announcement is usually sent to coincide with the website launch. Many businesses share social media posts announcing the new website to drive traffic.

A multi-step process designed to produce an outstanding website lays the foundation for a successful website launch.


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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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