Google is rolling out a new “Saved Comparisons” feature for Analytics

Businessman analyzes page data

Google announced a new tool for Analytics to streamline data comparisons.

The “saved comparisons” feature allows you to save filtered segments of user data for fast parallel analysis.

Google claims in an ad:

“We’re launching saved comparisons to help you save time when comparing the user bases that matter to you.

Learn how you can do this without recreating the comparison every time!

We’re launching saved comparisons to help you save time when comparing the user bases you care about. Learn how you can do this without recreating the comparison every time! →

— Google Analytics (@googleanalytics) May 8, 2024

Google links aa help page which lists several benefits and use cases:

“Comparisons allow you to evaluate subsets of your data side by side. For example, you can compare data generated by Android devices to data generated by iOS devices.”

“In Google Analytics 4, comparisons take the place of segments in Universal Analytics.”

Saved comparisons: how they work

The new comparison tool lets you create custom filtered views of your Google Analytics data based on dimensions such as platform, country, traffic source, and custom audiences.

These dimensions can incorporate multiple conditions using logical operators.

For example, you can generate a comparison that separates “Android OR iOS” traffic from web traffic. Or you can combine location data like “Country = Argentina OR Japan” with platform filters.

These custom comparison views can be saved at the property level in Analytics.

Users with access can quickly apply saved comparisons to any report for efficient analysis without having to rebuild filters.

Google’s documentation says:

“As an administrator or publisher… you can save comparisons to your Google Analytics 4 property. Saved comparisons allow you and others with access to compare the user bases you care about without having to recreate the comparisons each time “.

Deployment and limitations

The saved comparisons feature is being rolled out gradually. There is a limit of 200 saved comparisons per property.

For more advanced filtering needs, such as user event sequences, Google recommends first creating a custom audience and saving a comparison based on that audience definition.

Some reports may be incompatible if they do not include the filtered dimensions used in a saved comparison. In this case, the documentation suggests choosing different dimensions or conditions for this type of report.

Why SEJ cares

The ability to create and apply saved comparisons addresses a time-consuming aspect of analytical work.

Analysts need to view data through different lenses, segmenting by device, location, traffic source, etc. Manually recreating these filtered comparisons for each report can slow down production.

Any innovation that streamlines common tasks is welcome in an arena where data teams are short on time.

How this can help you

Saved comparisons mean less time for filter recreation and more time for impactful analysis.

Here are some key ways this could benefit your work:

Save time by avoiding constantly recreating filters for common comparisons (eg mobile vs desktop, traffic sources, geographic locations). Share saved comparisons with colleagues for consistent analysis views. Switch between full views and isolated comparisons with a single click. Break down conversions, engagement, audience sources and more based on your saved user segments. Use carefully combined conditions to show targeted segments (eg paid traffic for a certain product/location).

New comparisons saved in Google Analytics may seem like an incremental change. However, simplifying workflows and reducing time spent on mundane tasks can significantly increase productivity.

Featured image: wan wei/Shutterstock

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About the Author: Ted Simmons

I follow and report the current news trends on Google news.

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